2/20/13 Setting up the spam filter for WordPress

Not so long ago in the blog site started to buy more attacks related to the review junk mail in addition to the trackback spam, but a good thing these people are guided in the direction of review junk mail in connection with a good plugin Akismet, the list of spammers seemed to be constantly spam with his touch on the blog site. However unauthorized item bought, but it's really annoying, but for the rest receiving spam from the container. Well, I thought I'd stop this IP in the blog site in addition to some of the ways I did just that item.

If you never include Akismet plugin.

Most people, the followers will not be using the plugin Akismet, yet when I speak carefully put this plugin, but if you've never bought a pair, I will here a strategy to protect your site from spam

Working with WordPress Comments spam filter.

After examination of almost any thoughts spam in the future content of the IP target spammers in addition to making the item your black list of reviews, it is actually used, seeing those, Spam List. (WordPress Settings> General> Black List). #)

The use of WP-Spam free plugins.

This free plug-in that there is a WordPress extension databases. You may understand a lot more about this on Wp-SpamFree alternative anti-spam for popular Akismet.

The best way to build a kind of blacklist spam designed to WordPress.

At this point, although you may well be used in almost any antispam plug-although he did not keep the spammers get on your site. To deny these people are getting on your site, you have IP suspend these people, here's how to try to make the item.

1. Login to CPanel.
3. Click the IP does not allow the administrator to the loss of security.
3. Junk Mail Blacklist
5. IP does not allow the administrator to
5. Enter an IP you intend to prohibit the living space is presented in addition to the Media Create.
6. Junk Mail Blacklist
7. Create IP, to help prevent
8. At this point, you could efficiently build a spam blacklist on your blog site.

Word of advice: To prevent spammers whole new you possibly can go to StopForumSpam. In addition, to obtain the highest IP proposals in addition to the creation of the item in relation to not allow the administrator.

You get unlimited spam on valueable websites? Spam is not only annoying to you, but it also affects your rankings in the search engines and your potential customers! It is therefore important to establish a spam blacklist or stop spam and make your website clean. An other wordpress Module Captcha Code plugins one of the easiest that I have met. So I started with it - install and configure Captcha took probably 2-3 minutes. It adds a security code in different forms by - registration, comments, and the login form.Go forward configure spam list for WordPress.


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